by Caleb Weinhardt | Sep 30, 2024
FORGE heard from over 1,000 trans/nonbinary people about their experiences with hate violence and state-sanctioned hate, as well as their strategies for safety and coping. In this conversational webinar, FORGE staff share initial findings from this survey, engage in...
by Caleb Weinhardt | Sep 10, 2024
Watch in English Los defensores de la violencia doméstica y sexual tienen un interés en responder al odio anti-transgénero. La violencia de odio y el impacto de odio sancionado por el estado a los sobrevivientes, servicios y personal. Esta capacitación discutirá las...
by Caleb Weinhardt | Sep 10, 2024
Ver en español Domestic and sexual violence advocates have a stake in responding to anti-transgender hate. Hate violence and state-sanctioned hate impact survivors, services, and staff. This training will discuss the connections between forms of violence and how...
by Caleb Weinhardt | Aug 22, 2024
Watch in English El actual clima socio-político no solo ha aumentado los modos históricos de daño contra las personas trans y no binarias, sino que también ha estado tratando de legislar a las personas trans para que no existan. En los últimos años, las políticas y la...
by Caleb Weinhardt | Aug 22, 2024
Ver en español The current socio-political climate has not only ramped up historic modes of harm against trans and nonbinary people but has also been attempting to legislate trans people out of existence. In the past several years, policy and legislation have created...
by Caleb Weinhardt | Aug 8, 2024
Watch in English La violencia de odio es traumática. Afecta a los supervivientes, a los socorristas y a todas las comunidades afectadas por el odio. En este seminario web, veremos cómo se pueden aplicar los principios informados sobre el trauma al trabajo que...
by Caleb Weinhardt | Aug 8, 2024
Ver en español Hate violence is traumatic. It takes a toll on survivors, responders, and all communities impacted by hate. In this webinar, we will look at how trauma-informed principles can be applied to work that we do around addressing hate violence. Links and...
by Caleb Weinhardt | Aug 2, 2024
Deaf and trans people face many barriers to accessing services and healing support for mental health care or after violence. Panelists share their expertise on successes and challenges in getting services, with a focus on how building community can be an essential...
by Caleb Weinhardt | Jul 31, 2024
Watch in English Las “guerras culturales” pueden ser un concepto difícil de alcanzar. Es posible que escuchemos hablar de ello en las noticias o en las redes sociales, pero ¿qué significa y cómo se relaciona con las personas trans? En esta capacitación, el...
by Caleb Weinhardt | Jul 31, 2024
Ver en español The “culture wars” can be an elusive concept. We might hear it talked about in the news or on social media, but what does it mean, and how does it relate to trans people? In this training, content explores the “who/what/when/where/why” of anti-trans...
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