Recovering from traumas like sexual assault, domestic violence, hate crimes, and the like can take a long time. Some say recovery takes a lifetime. FORGE has created a suite of publications that can help no matter what recovery method(s) you choose.
Most of us address our recovery needs in pieces. We might be in therapy here, try a support group there, attempt to not think about it for a time, or go it alone for awhile.
We have a self-help guide for transgender sexual assault survivors plus companion publications for partners and friends and for transgender support group facilitators. We have a very detailed guide to choosing a therapist. We have a number of worksheets that we have used in various writing to heal groups and creative processing workshops. We’ve even got a collection of uplifting quotations if you just need a little bit of inspiration.
But that’s not all! Check out our frequently-updated trans survivors blog, trans survivors Facebook page, and closed #TransToo Facebook group.

Self Help Guide for Trans Survivors of Violence
A core, substantial guide for trans survivors.

A Guide for Partners and Friends of Transgender Sexual Violence Survivors
A tandem guide to the Self-Help guide, but with unique sections specifically written for partners and friends.

Let’s Talk About It: A Transgender Survivor’s Guide to Accessing Therapy
Looking for a therapist can be difficult for anyone. When a trans or non-binary person is seeking mental health care, things can feel even more difficult. Add in being a survivor of sexual assault or other forms of violence, it might seem even harder. This guide addresses many common issues — and poses many potential solutions.

A Guide for Facilitators of Transgender Community Groups: Supporting Sexual Violence Survivors
Many trans support group facilitators lead groups that may have many trans survivors of sexual violence. Most groups are peer-led and facilitators may not be skilled to address what may come up for a survivor (or for others). This guide offers practical solutions and a base understanding of trauma and trauma reactions.

Safe Dating Tips
Dating can be fun, exciting, scary, and so much more. Both seasoned and inexperienced daters increase their chances of having a safe as well as pleasurable date when they take just a few precautions.