Empowering. Healing. Connecting.
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TDOV: Syd Robbie

TDOV: Syd Robbie

Syd Robbie is an actor, performer, and activist.  His creativity shines through in all he does. Syd shares his thoughts about Transgender Day of Visibility and what makes him feel seen. #TransDayOfVisibility #TDOV Recorded March 2021   Learn more about Syd:...
TDOV: Lorelei-Erisis

TDOV: Lorelei-Erisis

By Lorelei Erisis With the Trans Day of Visibility fast approaching (possibly even here and gone by the time you read these words) I have been thinking around the idea of being seen. What does it mean to be seen, as a trans person, as a woman, as me? This is hardly a...
TDOV: Andrea Jenkins

TDOV: Andrea Jenkins

“We know that visibility is important to bring awareness and attention to the issues that are impacting trans, gender non-conforming, gender fabulous, gender creative, gender expressive lives.” ~ Andrea Jenkins Andrea shares this poem is from her full length...
TDOV: Jevon Martin

TDOV: Jevon Martin

“I see you” – Jevon Martin For over 25 years Jevon Martin has been a mentor, educator, advocate, volunteer, and former Father in the House/Ballroom Community. He is dedicated to addressing homelessness within the TLGBQI population.  In 2015, he founded Princess Janae...
TDOV: Shane Whalley

TDOV: Shane Whalley

In a newly released video (3/21/2021), Shane Whalley offers hir voice to the Trans Lives/Trans Voices story telling project created by Ground Floor Theatre. Mx. Shane Whalley is a deeply relational and playful genderqueer facilitative educator, who has been...
TDOV: Will Van Roosenbeek

TDOV: Will Van Roosenbeek

“Being seen was imperative to my healing. Being congruent! Feeling that my internal self and external self were one allowed me to really see my self for the first time!! This felt amazing! Being seen by others was important too! Being validated by external sources:...
TDOV: Cory Wade

TDOV: Cory Wade

Cory Wade is a model, actor, singer, songwriter, and LGBTQ activist – and also a nonbinary human. Recorded March 2021 Cory is a multi-medium entertainer and activist, most well known for competing and placing third on cycle 20 of America’s Next Top Model. Beyond...
TDOV: Dezjorn

TDOV: Dezjorn

“We have & always will see you!” – Dezjorn Gauthier, CEO, Dezjorn International Dezjorn Gauthier – model, public speaker, pageant host, entrepreneur, and much more – strives for excellence in all he does. Learn more about Dezjorn!  Follow him on Social Media:...