by FORGE Intern | Oct 26, 2016
This publication compiles the experiences and advice of 20 gender-integrated shelters. Topics addressed include: Was integrating worth it? How agencies decided to integrate. Pushback; Preparing for change; structures, privacy, and safety; and preventing and addressing...
by FORGE Intern | Sep 30, 2016
Many approaches to bias and conflict are based in power and control. This paper recommends we work to create environments in which everyone is respected and feels secure enough to bring in all parts of themselves.
by FORGE Intern | May 29, 2016
Comprehensive guide for partners and friends of trans and non-binary sexual violence survivors. Covers trauma, sexual assault of trans people, self-care advice, and information about trauma treatments.
by FORGE Intern | May 29, 2016
A Guide for Facilitators of Transgender Community Groups: Supporting Sexual Violence SurvivorsĀ is designed to help group facilitators recognize and appropriately address the types of behaviors and concerns trans and non-binary survivors may bring to support groups....
by FORGE Intern | Apr 2, 2016
30 days’ worth of Sexual Assault Awareness Month social media posts with the theme of “Planting seeds of knowledge for agencies serving trans survivors.” Download all images
by FORGE Intern | Apr 1, 2016
Some of the ways anti-trans violence is talked about is actually damaging. This publication lists 8 ways we can do better: Address multiple forms of violence; Acknowledge that violence affects all parts of the trans community; Consider trans suicidality when...
by FORGE Intern | Jan 26, 2016
What are some of the unique considerations in working with trans and non-binary youth who have experienced sexual assault? This webinar focuses on practical skills in working with trans/gender non-binary survivors who are pre-teens and teens. Content addresses unique...
by FORGE Intern | Jan 17, 2016
“his fast-paced webinar is designed to assist sexual assault advocates and other victim service providers in better serving transgender survivors. Many providers are committed to serving transgender clients, but seek additional information in order to provide...
by FORGE Intern | Jan 1, 2016
The Department of Justice featured FORGE in its 2016 National Crime Victims’ Right Week.
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