by FORGE Intern | Oct 3, 2016
Most conflict in gender-integrated shelters arises over issues that are universal in all shelters, such as conflicts over space or possessions, personality clashes, and so forth. That said, conflict that occurs due to gender-based bias, prejudice, and discrimination...
by FORGE Intern | Sep 9, 2016
Many states and local jurisdictions are still considering banning transgender people from public bathrooms as a “sexual assault prevention” measure. This two-page list of web links collects most of what you might want to know, from general overviews of the issue and...
by FORGE Intern | May 29, 2016
Comprehensive guide for partners and friends of trans and non-binary sexual violence survivors. Covers trauma, sexual assault of trans people, self-care advice, and information about trauma treatments.
by FORGE Intern | Apr 2, 2016
30 days’ worth of Sexual Assault Awareness Month social media posts with the theme of “Planting seeds of knowledge for agencies serving trans survivors.” Download all images
by FORGE Intern | Jan 26, 2016
What are some of the unique considerations in working with trans and non-binary youth who have experienced sexual assault? This webinar focuses on practical skills in working with trans/gender non-binary survivors who are pre-teens and teens. Content addresses unique...
by FORGE Intern | Jan 17, 2016
“his fast-paced webinar is designed to assist sexual assault advocates and other victim service providers in better serving transgender survivors. Many providers are committed to serving transgender clients, but seek additional information in order to provide...
by FORGE Intern | Jan 1, 2016
The Department of Justice featured FORGE in its 2016 National Crime Victims’ Right Week.
by FORGE Intern | Nov 3, 2015
This set of talking points notes there have been no increase in assaults in places where trans people use the bathroom of their choice; that creating fear is a well-used tool of those opposing civil rights advancements; that it is trans people who are at most risk in...
by FORGE Intern | Sep 24, 2015
Transgender Sexual Violence Survivors: A Self-Help Guide to Healing and Understanding is a substantial document that includes information about the prevalence of sexual violence against transgender/gender non-conforming individuals; lists common long- and short-term...
by FORGE Intern | Sep 24, 2015
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