Empowering. Healing. Connecting.
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Trans/Nonbinary Photoshoot in Richmond, VA

Trans/Nonbinary Photoshoot in Richmond, VA

FORGE is hosting another photoshoot, this time in Richmond, VA and we’d love to have you join us! The goal of the photoshoot is to: honor and uplift trans/nonbinary community members, add a bit of...

Take a Friend to Lunch (Day 26)

Take a Friend to Lunch (Day 26)

While it may not be possible during these COVID times to share lunch with a friend, there are many ways to connect with food. Many trans folks are...

Send Postcards! (Day 23)

Send Postcards! (Day 23)

Do you eagerly rush to your mailbox every day to welcome in a new pile of junk mail and bills?  Probably not. During the days of COVID-19, more and...

Expand your Pod by One Person (Day 22)

Expand your Pod by One Person (Day 22)

We are all feeling a bit isolated, lonely, or disconnected these days. Many of us are using the concepts of “pods” to create a small group of people...

Virtual TDOR (video)

Virtual TDOR (video)

Transgender Day of Remembrance was marked virtually for many cities across the world.  The impact of COVID-19 added layers of emotional strain to...

Remembering & symbolism (Day 20)

Remembering & symbolism (Day 20)

Remember those who died as a result of anti-trans violence.  Nurture yourself and your community. Take the time to reflect, connect, and remember....

Support a trans/non-binary teen (Day 18)

Support a trans/non-binary teen (Day 18)

Did you know you can save a life – easily? You can do so through very small actions. This year FORGE continued studying the linkages between the...