We love our community of partners, trainees and friends. See what they have to say about us:
“Michael, these guides are amazing – in content and design. Thank you so much for all of the hard work you and your team put into them!”
“I liked the story about the young person who kept saying no one could understand them but after so long came to understand that they had much in common with many other people. That is a great example of integrated groups and the value of human connection.”
“I have recently come to understand, after 15 years of denial, pain, and confusion, that I am a male domestic violence and sexual abuse survivor, perpetrated by my ex-wife. It is very difficult to find any resources out there for people like me, and there are many groups and individuals who deny that I and others like me exist at all. As you may imagine, this just makes my problem worse and my pain more difficult to handle. As I travel my healing journey, I’ve been reaching out to groups and individuals who are willing to listen to people like me. Your sensitivity and scholarship are greatly, greatly appreciated.”
“I just wanted to give you a huge thanks for writing this: https://forge-forward.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Female-perpetrators-and-male-victims-why-they-are-invisible_mjw.pdf“
“I recently attended a session by Loree Cook-Daniels at the SUNY Spectrum conference and it was amazing! I was super excited to learn that FORGE will send free materials, because that is absolutely something we are lacking!”
“We stay current on all of the materials published by FORGE and are very thankful to have you as a wonderful resource.”
“Your website is awesome and frequently accessed by staff.”
“I really appreciate your fact sheets and training info. And your guide for finding a mental health provider is an amazing resource. Thanks for your advocacy and your leadership.”
“I am really grateful to have had you as a part of our processing reviewing our draft ordinances.”
“Loree has joined our Participant Advisory Committee and FORGE will now become an official Community Partner. As you know, she is knowledgeable, committed, and an absolute delight to work with and has made a substantial contribution to our work in a few short months.”
“Thanks for your help, your listening and moderation of the meetings when I am able to attend. You are appreciated and needed by many. Thanks for what you do.”
“This group has been wonderful for us to share, learn and grow through all of our experiences. Thanks for starting this support group!”