by Caleb Weinhardt | Aug 1, 2023
Sometimes, it’s hard to know when it’s a good time to seek therapy. This tipsheet includes a list of questions to ask yourself when thinking about how therapy might improve your life.
by Caleb Weinhardt | May 25, 2023
Many trans/nonbinary survivors experience mental health challenges. Connecting with supportive people, including advocates, can make a positive difference in a survivor’s life. This webinar explores some of the mental health challenges that trans/nonbinary survivors...
by Caleb Weinhardt | Mar 3, 2023
A substantial barrier to care for many trans and nonbinary people has been standards of care that put therapists in a position of “gatekeeping” for those pursuing hormones, surgery, or even name changes. More providers are adopting an informed consent model, that...
by Caleb Weinhardt | Jan 18, 2023
There are actual human casualties of the current U.S. “culture war” involving trans identities and rights. In this training webinar for therapists and social services professionals, we discuss the actual effects what’s happening in legislatures, social media, and...
by Caleb Weinhardt | Nov 17, 2022
These resources were shared as part of two webinars hosted on 10/11/22 and 10/25/22, with presenters J and Afton. Shared Solidarities: Abortion & Transgender Healthcare (10/11/22): Overturning Roe v. Wade doesn’t mean...
by Caleb Weinhardt | Nov 10, 2022
What happens in childhood impacts our physical and mental health for the rest of our lives. Trans people experience even more Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) than other people, a fact that contributes to our greater mental health problems. This webinar introduces...
by Caleb Weinhardt | Oct 25, 2022
This workshop explores what reproductive health care looks like for Trans and Nonbinary people. Topics include accessing reproductive trans health including everything from birth control to abortion options. Trans and nonbinary sexual assault and trauma survivors...
by Caleb Weinhardt | Oct 11, 2022
This workshop discusses how reproductive rights and trans rights are inexplicably linked and how the Dobbs decision has impacted Trans and Nonbinary people seeking healthcare. Content will include the implications of this intersection specific to trans and nonbinary...
by Caleb Weinhardt | Apr 13, 2022
Many of us are familiar with ACEs – Adverse Childhood Experiences – and how they influence the health and wellness of both youth and adults. This webinar will explore and compare ACEs data in the general population with rates many trans/nonbinary people experience....
by Caleb Weinhardt | Apr 27, 2021
Vaccines for COVID-19 are becoming more widely available as eligibility continues to expand. Many trans/non-binary folks have questions about the vaccines: how do I sign up for an appointment? Where can I get vaccinated? Who can get vaccinated? What are the risks? How...
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