Trans self-defense and empowerment for all bodies

Trans self-defense and empowerment for all bodies

Trans and non-binary people, especially trans women of color, experience some of the most severe and frequent gender-based violence of any group in the US. Defend Yourself offers practical skills that anyone can learn (you don’t have to be an athlete, or train...
Dismantling the Gates: Informed Consent Models of Care

Dismantling the Gates: Informed Consent Models of Care

A substantial barrier to care for many trans and nonbinary people has been standards of care that put therapists in a position of “gatekeeping” for those pursuing hormones, surgery, or even name changes. More providers are adopting an informed consent model, that...
TDOR 2022: Dee Dee Watters

TDOR 2022: Dee Dee Watters

The greater Milwaukee community honored those who have lost their lives due to anti-transgender bias or violence on Friday, November 18, 2022. Guest speaker Dee Dee Watters focused on “This is why we’re here!” Description: We stand and fight in the trenches because we...
Liberatory Responses to Suicide and Crisis

Liberatory Responses to Suicide and Crisis

In this session, we will discuss the history of carceral responses to suicide and crisis. Beginning with the conflation of madness and queerness, we will explore the ways queer and trans people have been targeted by carceral psychiatric and psychological...
How to be an Ally to Transgender Older Adults

How to be an Ally to Transgender Older Adults

Most people, trans or not, will ask for advice if they want it. More often, we simply want someone to share with or “witness” what is happening in our lives. Most of us can also use a friend who is positive and hopeful, who reassures us that we can handle the things...