Trans Survivor Toolkit Listening Session Reportback

FORGE has been conducting Listening Sessions with trans/nonbinary survivors, community members, service providers, and allied professionals to inform a comprehensive, culturally responsive Toolkit. In this reportback FORGE shares the process of coordinating over 25 Listening Sessions, some of the key findings and emerging themes. Participants have the opportunity to ask questions and respond to the information.
Welcome & agenda 0:00
Who is FORGE? 3:56
Q: What role(s) bring you here today? 6:59
Stacy Phillips intro 9:26
Background/history 12:25
Timeline 13:41
Project components 15:55
Advisory team roles 16:54
Listening sessions overview 17:58
Thank You’s 19:06
Listening session process 23:22
Demographics 33:29
Addressing gaps 47:19
Findings: community listening sessions 51:38
Q: What are you curious about? 1:06:59
Findings: provider listening sessions 1:09:28
What do your colleagues need to know? 1:23:58
Next steps: transparency & accountability 1:26:16
The Responding to Transgender Victims of Crime Toolkit and this listening session are produced by FORGE under award number 15POVC-22-GK-01054-NONF, awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this webinar are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.