Empowering. Healing. Connecting.
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Disability and Transgender Survivors Webinar

Disability and Transgender Survivors Webinar

Transgender and gender non-conforming individuals experience extremely high rates of violence, as well as live with higher-than-average rates of physical and mental health conditions. This webinar explores the barriers and experiences of transgender survivors with...
Know Your Rights!

Know Your Rights!

Any agency that accepts funds from the Violence Against Women Act MUST serve trans, non-binary, and male people. This fact sheet explains the law, discusses “comparable services,” lists where you can get help, and explains how to file a complaint.
Ending Trans Domestic Violence Murders

Ending Trans Domestic Violence Murders

Around half of the murders of trans women of color are actually intimate partner violence; this tip sheet talks about practical preventative tactics, including safety tips for victims, tips for service providers, and ways all of us can create safer environments and...
FAQ: Maslow’s Hierarchy

FAQ: Maslow’s Hierarchy

Psychologist Abraham Maslow taught us that human needs can be arranged in a hierarchy in which the most basic (finding food, sleeping) must be met before we can address more advanced needs such as self-esteem and creativity. This FAQ addresses why transgender...
FAQ: Intersectionality

FAQ: Intersectionality

All of us have multiple identities. When more than one of our identities is socially stigmatized, the problems we face multiply. That is “intersectionality.” This FAQ explains intersectionality and how it played out in the life of one young African-American trans...
FAQ: Pronouns and Trans Individuals

FAQ: Pronouns and Trans Individuals

This tip sheet is designed for service providers new to the role pronouns play in trans communities. Includes how to ask about pronouns, why pronouns may differ by environment, and what pronouns some non-binary people use.