Empowering. Healing. Connecting.
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Gender-Integrated Shelters: Experience and Advice

Gender-Integrated Shelters: Experience and Advice

This publication compiles the experiences and advice of 20 gender-integrated shelters. Topics addressed include: Was integrating worth it? How agencies decided to integrate. Pushback; Preparing for change; structures, privacy, and safety; and preventing and addressing...
First Do No Harm: 8 Tips for Addressing Violence…

First Do No Harm: 8 Tips for Addressing Violence…

Some of the ways anti-trans violence is talked about is actually damaging. This publication lists 8 ways we can do better: Address multiple forms of violence; Acknowledge that violence affects all parts of the trans community; Consider trans suicidality when...
Self Help Guide for Trans Survivors of Violence

Self Help Guide for Trans Survivors of Violence

Transgender Sexual Violence Survivors: A Self-Help Guide to Healing and Understanding is a substantial document that includes information about the prevalence of sexual violence against transgender/gender non-conforming individuals; lists common long- and short-term...
Know Your Rights!

Know Your Rights!

Any agency that accepts funds from the Violence Against Women Act MUST serve trans, non-binary, and male people. This fact sheet explains the law, discusses “comparable services,” lists where you can get help, and explains how to file a complaint.