by Caleb Weinhardt | Jan 1, 2016
Recent national data indicates that 6.6 million people are stalked in a one year period in the United States; yet stalking is a crime that is often misunderstood, minimized or missed entirely. Guest presenter Rebecca Dreke of the Stalking Resource Center will provide...
by FORGE Intern | Sep 24, 2015
Transgender Sexual Violence Survivors: A Self-Help Guide to Healing and Understanding is a substantial document that includes information about the prevalence of sexual violence against transgender/gender non-conforming individuals; lists common long- and short-term...
by FORGE Intern | Sep 24, 2015
by FORGE Intern | Sep 23, 2015
Transgender and gender non-conforming individuals experience extremely high rates of violence, as well as live with higher-than-average rates of physical and mental health conditions. This webinar explores the barriers and experiences of transgender survivors with...
by FORGE Intern | Aug 28, 2015
Any agency that accepts funds from the Violence Against Women Act MUST serve trans, non-binary, and male people. This fact sheet explains the law, discusses “comparable services,” lists where you can get help, and explains how to file a complaint.
by FORGE Intern | Aug 4, 2015
Description of 10 2015-2018 events related to serving trans survivors of sexual and domestic violence. Hosted by the Nebraska Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence Register today! Date: August 19,...
by FORGE Intern | Aug 4, 2015
by FORGE Intern | May 17, 2015
While many transgender people see individual therapists, choosing and working with a therapist can be more complex for the half of transgender people who are also sexual assault survivors. This 107-page guide addresses many of the specific questions trans survivors...
by FORGE Intern | Mar 1, 2015
Psychologist Abraham Maslow taught us that human needs can be arranged in a hierarchy in which the most basic (finding food, sleeping) must be met before we can address more advanced needs such as self-esteem and creativity. This FAQ addresses why transgender...
by FORGE Intern | Feb 24, 2015
Both seasoned and inexperienced daters increase their chances of having a safe as well as pleasurable date when they take just a few precautions. This trans-specific dating tip sheet covers issues such as where to meet and what to do before you leave that meeting...
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