Empowering. Healing. Connecting.
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Non-Binary Panel: Hierarchies

Non-Binary Panel: Hierarchies

On Saturday Aug. 19th 2017 FORGE was pleased to host an engaging and entertaining panel of non-binary, agender, and gender-fluid individuals. Panelists, Ben Andert, MJ Jonen, Kayla McNeil, and Hui Xie, graciously imparted their experiences with FORGE community...
Therapist Panel: Excerpt 2

Therapist Panel: Excerpt 2

FORGE invited a panel of therapist to our June 17, 2017 monthly meeting to meet with the trans community and discuss issues important to them. In this excerpt, Gregory Simons, Kim Skerven, Dianne Frances, and Jan Singer talk about informed consent verses standards of...
Therapist Panel: Excerpt 2

Therapist Panel: Excerpt 1

At our June 17, 2017 monthly meeting FORGE invited a panel of therapists from the Milwaukee area to meet with the trans community members to discuss issues important to them. In this excerpt, Gregory Simons, Kim Skerven, Dianne Frances, and Jan Singer discuss their...
Shelter Tipsheet #7: Trans-Specific Shelter Supplies

Shelter Tipsheet #7: Trans-Specific Shelter Supplies

This tipsheet helps shelters feel trans-welcoming. It covers specific supplies trans and non-binary survivors may need, including: clothes, shoes, and underwear; hats, head coverings, and wigs; toiletries; makeup; body modification materials; medications; room...