It’s more important than ever to highlight trans and nonbinary art, to uplift trans joy, and to share stories of healing and connection. Help us share hope through art and writing! We invite you to contribute to a new Trans Survivors Zine titled “Trans Survivors: Healing in Action.”
We welcome content that focuses on trans voices, survivorship and healing from harm/trauma/violence, creative expressions of all kinds. We welcome your full range of emotions and expressions. We encourage content focused on race and anti-racism; bodies and disabilities; class, housing, survival realities; and content that focuses or encompasses our complex, intersectional lives.
We welcome a variety of artforms, including visual art, poetry, short fiction, and nonfiction (fiction/nonfiction under 1000 words).
You may submit multiple poems or fiction/nonfiction under 1000 words, but please include them in the same document (Word document or PDF preferred).
We welcome your expressions of rage and grief, humor and silliness, beauty and curiosity. We reserve the right to refuse submissions that include racism, anti-trans attitudes, or other oppressive language. We are accepting original art/writing (not generated by AI).
Submissions will be open until April 15th, 2025.
Once the zine is released in early May, it will be available digitally on our website for anyone to download or print. We will be spotlighting individual pieces and contributors on social media throughout May 2025 for Mental Health Awareness Month.
We hope this zine will be a valuable resource for solidarity and healing for trans community members, and highlight the amazing work of trans and nonbinary survivors.
Contributors will receive $25 if their art or writing is accepted. We aim to include as many voices and experiences as possible.
FORGE requests non-exclusive rights to publish your work in the Trans Survivors zine and promote it on our social media. Your work still belongs to you. If you have any questions about submissions, please reach out to caleb@forge-forward.org.
Please submit your work using the link below: https://forms.gle/QncRnhfhnbFZMovZ6