Ending Trans Domestic Violence Murders

Ending Trans Domestic Violence Murders

Around half of the murders of trans women of color are actually intimate partner violence; this tip sheet talks about practical preventative tactics, including safety tips for victims, tips for service providers, and ways all of us can create safer environments and...
Stalking Basics and Transgender Individuals

Stalking Basics and Transgender Individuals

Guest presenter Rebecca Dreke of the Stalking Resource Center provides foundational information on stalking, including common stalking dynamics, the impact on victims, and how victim service providers can better assist transgender victims and survivors of stalking....
Safety Planning Tool

Safety Planning Tool

This lengthy, trans-specific safety planning tool covers: basic facts about intimate partner violence; safety planning; groundwork; staying safe at home; emergency safety bag; financial planning; safe havens; safety in your new place; safety on the job and in public;...
Power and control tactics specific to trans people

Power and control tactics specific to trans people

Power and control tactics are often a central framework for discussing intimate partner violence. This webinar guides participants through detailed trans-specific power and control tactics both used against transgender and non-binary individuals, as well as those that...