by FORGE Intern | Jun 17, 2011
Essay discussing ageism and its consequences.
by FORGE Intern | Jun 17, 2011
Early article on the history and activities of the Transgender Aging Network.
by FORGE Intern | Jun 17, 2011
Essay on what the trans community loses by not fully including and addressing SOFFA (Significant Other, Family, Friends, and Allies) issues. Addresses discrimination, lack of legal protection, exclusion from support groups, and loss of educational/empathetic value....
by FORGE Intern | Jun 17, 2011
This essay discusses ways in which people attempt to reconcile or resolve their own cognitive dissonance engendered by transgender people in a society in which gender is perceived as both binary (male OR female) and immutable (an unalterable state or condition).
by FORGE Intern | Oct 17, 2006
Many DV/SA agencies advertise to “LGBT” communities but fail to change the many messages they send that male-identified people are not welcome. This article explores the problems and solutions.
by FORGE Intern | Aug 12, 1998
Many transitioning transmasculine folks are partnered with women who identify as lesbian. This early, ground-breaking article discusses some of the most pressing issues facing these women, utilizing quotes and insights from more than 20 partners.
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