Empowering. Healing. Connecting.
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Staff introductions

Staff introductions

Get to know the FORGE staff in this short video series! In each clip, staff share about their roles with FORGE and their favorite parts of their job.

NCVRW Ambassador sign up

NCVRW Ambassador sign up

Be an Ambassador for and with Trans Survivors Are you committed to reducing the negative impact of crime and victimization that so many trans and...

NCVRW 2021

NCVRW 2021

2021 National Crime Victims’ Rights Week Community Awareness Project Supports Trans Survivors  April 18 – 24, 2021 is National Crime Victims’ Rights...

TDOV: Syd Robbie

TDOV: Syd Robbie

Syd Robbie is an actor, performer, and activist.  His creativity shines through in all he does. Syd shares his thoughts about Transgender Day of...

TDOV: Lorelei-Erisis

TDOV: Lorelei-Erisis

By Lorelei Erisis With the Trans Day of Visibility fast approaching (possibly even here and gone by the time you read these words) I have been...

TDOV: Andrea Jenkins

TDOV: Andrea Jenkins

“We know that visibility is important to bring awareness and attention to the issues that are impacting trans, gender non-conforming, gender...

TDOV: Jevon Martin

TDOV: Jevon Martin

“I see you” – Jevon Martin For over 25 years Jevon Martin has been a mentor, educator, advocate, volunteer, and former Father in the House/Ballroom...

TDOV: Shane Whalley

TDOV: Shane Whalley

In a newly released video (3/21/2021), Shane Whalley offers hir voice to the Trans Lives/Trans Voices story telling project created by Ground Floor...