by Caleb Weinhardt | Apr 5, 2020
Many of us take medications daily to support our mental and/or physical health. Some of us also are on PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis to prevent the transmission of HIV. We’ve all had our lives disrupted recently, so it’s critical to establish a new routine to ensure...
by Caleb Weinhardt | Apr 3, 2020
by Caleb Weinhardt | Mar 29, 2020
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by Caleb Weinhardt | Mar 29, 2020
Access more resources at: and
by Caleb Weinhardt | Mar 29, 2020
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by michael munson | Sep 23, 2019
A quick reference guide on workplace sexual harassment related to trans/non-binary employees. This resource is full of links to where to access more information and support.
by michael munson | Sep 22, 2019
Transgender and non-binary workers can experience high rates of mistreatment at work because of their gender identity or expression. As a result, 77% of transgender and non-binary employees have taken steps to avoid harassment and discrimination at work, like hiding...
by michael munson | Sep 17, 2019
Transgender and non-binary workers can experience high rates of mistreatment at work because of their gender identity or expression. As a result, 77% of transgender and non-binary employees have taken steps to avoid harassment and discrimination at work, like hiding...
by michael munson | Sep 16, 2019
Workplace retaliation is when an employer punishes an employee for doing something to assert their legal rights, such as filing a discrimination or harassment complaint. Examples of retaliation include: Termination of employment Pay or hours reduction Demotion or...
by FORGE Intern | Sep 16, 2019
Topics of this tip sheet include: What is workplace sexual harassment? Are trans/non-binary employees protected from workplace sexual harassment? Does harassment have to be ‘sexual’ to be illegal? What types of behavior are illegal? Who is prohibited from...
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