Technical Assistance
Technical assistance is professional-speak for “help.” FORGE regularly works with organizations and individual providers on projects ranging from simple referrals to complex assessments to revamp their services.

Technical assistance is as simple or as complex as your needs are:
- Do you need to locate a resource or a referral? We’ll help you track down a high-quality one.
- Do you have a sticky client situation you need to talk through? We can do that, too.
- Do you need help with a comprehensive assessment of your trans client services along with a plan to make needed changes happen? We love working on those.
- Not sure what you need? We can help there, too!
Technical assistance is typically free (covered under our grants) but fee-for-service is possible if the task is big or falls outside our parameters of assisting victim service providers. To start the conversation, email
Resources and referrals
Trans-specific anti-violence resources are sometimes difficult to find. FORGE has a large library of resources we have created. We can also connect you to a wealth of other resources and agencies that can assist you in reaching your goals and serving your clients.
Assessments and reviews
Often, organizations know they want to improve and enhance their services to better support trans+ survivors, but don’t know where to begin. Let us craft assessment tools (self-assessment or external), which we can analyze and help you hone in on what steps might come next. We can facilitate focus groups, host key informant interviews, or facilitate stakeholder meetings. We frequently help organizations strengthen their policies, procedures, and practices by reviewing paperwork and understanding an organization’s culture. We always provide a detailed analysis, guidance on what steps could be taken next, and a suggested plan of action.
Thought partners
Thought partners can be useful to address day-to-day challenges that arise, as well as working together on more complex issues that relate to more respectfully and competently serving trans+ survivors. We welcome you to reach out with one-time questions AND with deeper issues that may require more extensive work together to arrive at solutions. No problem is too small or too big. Please reach out so we can support you in supporting your clients.
Site visits
Site visits – which can take a variety of forms – can be extremely useful in shining a light on where organizations are doing great work already, and where some additional support is needed. Prior to COVID-19, FORGE provided in-person site visits to victim service agencies and allied professionals. During COVID, we are creatively working with organizations to virtually conduct site visits and achieve similar results.