RESOURCES FORAdvanced Level Trastornos alimentarios, el trauma y cuerpos trans: Impactos del clima polĂticoEating Disorders, Trauma and Trans Bodies: Impacts of the political climate Select topicAll TopicsAgingAnti-violenceBathroomsCore ConceptsHealthIntimate Partner ViolencePolicySelf-helpSexual HarassmentSexual ViolenceShelter Select a resource typeAll Resource TypesTip SheetsPublicationsWebinarsArticlesLinksVideosNewslettersToolkitsWorksheets Select an audienceAll AudiencesService ProvidersTrans Communities CLEAR FILTERS AND JUMP TOIntroductoryIntermediateAdvanced SHOWING ADVANCED RESOURCES IWebinarsTrans & Non-Binary Employees and Workplace Harassment: Legal Rights & Options (1)September 17, 2019Anti-violence / Sexual HarassmentiPublicationsFirst Do No Harm: 8 Tips for Addressing Violence…April 1, 2016Anti-violence / Intimate Partner Violence / Sexual Violence