Mandatory Support: Harm Reduction for Mandatory Reporting

The ethical and professional responsibilities of social workers and other mandatory reporters are aligned with supporting families, however the current punitive system of mandated reporting does not support families or communities. This workshop delves into the history and practice of mandatory reporting, the profession’s carceral implications, and supports participants in re-defining their role from mandated reporters to “Mandated Supporters.”
Central to this shift is the incorporation of critically analyzing themes of power, race, oppression, and privilege. The presenters will unpack alternative responses to mandated reporting that are liberatory, harm reductive, and de-colonial. Most importantly, this course provides ways for mandatory reporters to holistically center families within their professional roles and obligations.
Presenters: Kamaria Excell, Krystin Hernandex, and Shalonda Curtis-Hackett.
Speaker intros 0:00
Session overview 4:36
Who is JMACForFamilies? 5:28
US culture of violence 7:24
What is family policing? 9:23
Reproductive justice & social determinants of health 11:05
Who are Mandated Reporters? 15:05
Understanding mandated reporting laws 17:35
Context of mandated reporting 22:26
Discerning “neglect” from need 33:58
Discerning “abuse” from transphobia 38:22
Impacts of mandated reporting 44:12
Self-reflection prior to calling ACS 57:39
Mitigating harm if you must call ACS 1:04:25
What happens after the call? 1:11:24
Understanding families’ rights 1:17:21
Thinking outside the carceral box 1:22:30
What actually works? 1:29:19
Reflection questions 1:32:27
Questions & discussion:
Q: How do we defend our clients from false accusations of abuse for supporting someone exploring gender identity? 1:39:12
What is the role of sexual assault advocacy agencies in perpetuating family policing? 1:43:49
Why don’t DPS/CPS fill needs instead of removals? 1:48:04
Any advice for working with those who are defensive about CPS? 1:52:34
How to support a transgender minor living with violently conservative parents? 1:57:16
How to respond to a verbally/physically abusive neighbor with young children? 1:59:30
Recorded January 18, 2024.