Announcement of book chapter “Understanding Transgender Elders” in the book Handbook of LGBT Elders: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Principles, Practices, and Policies.
FORGE is pleased to announce the publication of another resource on transgender elders.
“Understanding Transgender Elders,” by FORGE Policy and Program Director Loree Cook-Daniels, has just been published as a chapter (pp. 285-308) in the new Springer Publishing book, Handbook of LGBT Elders: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Principles, Practices, and Policies. The book, edited by Debra A. Harley and Pamela B. Teaster, seeks to cover not just the typical topics, but also ones that are less discussed, including chapters on LGBT veterans, offender populations, rural populations, and immigrants. Each chapter also includes multiple instructional features such as self-check questions, experiential exercises, questions to consider, and discussion boxes.
The book is available in both hardcover and digital format at Individual chapters in digital form are also available for sale from that website.