12 things you can do for Transgender Day of Visibility
Download a poster with all 12 suggestions: TDOV 2017 poster
The Transgender Day of Visibility (#TDOV) occurs every March 31st to celebrate and recognize trans and non-binary people, issues, and communities. Trans and non-binary people or loved ones don’t need disclose their transness in order to mark this day. It is a day for all of us to focus our collective attention on trans issues, particularly in ways that uplift trans communities and advance awareness.
You don’t need to be trans or gender non-binary to participate in the Transgender Day of Visibility. Here are some suggestions of how you can get involved:
- Host a Transgender Day of Visibility casual gathering at a local coffee shop or restaurant. Invite others to attend to talk about trans and gender non-binary issues.
- Read a trans-focused book. Bring it with you and read it throughout the day. Let other people see what you are reading. (Do this if you feel safe and are in environments that won’t likely cause you hardship or discrimination.)
- Write your political representative (local all the way up to federal) to share that you or someone you love is trans and what they can do to make sure trans people are positively included and protected in legislation.
- If your workplace, school, or favorite hangout doesn’t have an all-gender bathroom, suggest they add or convert one.
- Have a conversation with a family member about trans issues. This could be a conversation with your children or grandchildren that opens the door to acknowledging that other children may not identify as boys or girls, or could be about transgender rights and legislation with adults.
- Write a thank you letter to a company that has trans-inclusive employment policies. Not sure you know any? Check out http://www.hrc.org/campaigns/corporate-equality-index
- Volunteer your time or donate money to a trans-focused organization. Let them know that you want to contribute because of Transgender Day of Visibility.
- Spend an hour online looking up trans history and people. Learn something new about the trans/gender non-binary community(ies). Make sure to share what you learn with someone else.
- Highlight non-binary pronouns and realities by respectfully referring to all people with the pronouns they/them/theirs. (Of course, if someone has overtly shared their pronoun, use that pronoun!)
- Bring up trans issues with a colleague at work. (It could be about the recent surge in anti-trans legislation, healthcare policies at your workplace, trans youth and school.)
- Call or connect with a trans or gender non-binary person in your life to tell you how much you value them.
- Bake cookies and bring them to a trans-focused event. (Or bring them to your office or school and let them know what the occasion is.)